Events & Commands
Phone notifications
The JPR Phone System contains a wide variety of notifications, all original notifications are processed by itself, nothing needs to be done, but if you want to send a custom notification, you can do so by following the example below.
Phone wallet logs
The JPR Phone System contains a wallet app where you can see all your transactions made. This is our trigger to add a new log on wallet app:
AMOUNT = Amount of the transaction made TYPE = Should be 0 or 1 ( 0 = Deposit, 1 = Withdraw ) NOTIFICATION = true or false ( true = Player receive notification on phone, false = No notification)
Phone mails
If you don't want the email to trigger some kind of event, leave it like this
Offline or not, the player will receive the email.
Verified Share It ( Instagram ) command
The JPR Phone System allows you to add verified to some player's share it profile, you can edit the name of the command in the config.lua
Its syntax should be as follows:
/(name of command) (account id) (true or false)
True - Add verified
False - Remove verified
In-Game example:
/verifiedInstagram 65qHj7UZ408UfCU true
Where can i find Account ID?
You can find Account ID in the discord webhook channel or in SQL Table: jpr_phonesystem_instagram_accounts
Account ID is NOT Game ID
Verified Catiter ( Twitter ) command
The JPR Phone System allows you to add verified to some player's catiter profile, you can edit the name of the command in the config.lua
Its syntax should be as follows:
/(name of command) (account id) (true or false)
True - Add verified
False - Remove verified
In-Game example:
/verifiedTwitter 65qHj7UZ408UfCU true
Where can i find Account ID?
You can find Account ID in the discord webhook channel or in SQL Table: jpr_phonesystem_tweet_accounts
Account ID is NOT Game ID
Verified TikTrend ( Tiktok ) command
The JPR Phone System allows you to add verified to some player's tiktrend profile, you can edit the name of the command in the config.lua
Its syntax should be as follows:
/(name of command) (account id) (true or false)
True - Add verified
False - Remove verified
In-Game example:
/verifiedTiktok 65qHj7UZ408UfCU true
Where can i find Account ID?
You can find Account ID in the discord webhook channel or in SQL Table: jpr_phonesystem_tiktok_accounts
Account ID is NOT Game ID
Billing command
You can change command name going to config.lua
in Config.BillingCommand
/sendbill ID Amount
/sendbill 1 500
You can change all command details in server_config.lua
NPC events
To repair battery:
To hack phones:
Exports List
Is Phone Open
Will return true of false, depending of opening state of phone.
Close Phone
Will give you the hability to close Phone System via code.
Open Phone
Will give you the hability to open Phone System via code.
Is Camara Open
Will return true of false, depending of opening state of camera.
Get Phone Number
Will return the current player phone number.
Send Whatsapp
Will send a message to the selected player to whatsapp.
Receiver should be the number of player you want to contact; Sender Number can be anything, even a name; Message is what you want to send to player;
Type is the type of message: - "message" - Will send a normal text message; - "gps" - Will send a GPS message (on Message field you need to send the coords); - "image" - Will send a image message (on Message field you need to send a link);
Send iMessage
Will send a message to the selected player to iMessage.
Receiver should be the number of player you want to contact; Sender Number can be anything, even a name; Message is what you want to send to player;
Type is the type of message: - "message" - Will send a normal text message; - "gps" - Will send a GPS message (on Message field you need to send the coords); - "image" - Will send a image message (on Message field you need to send a link);
All this exports are CLIENT SIDED
Distress Signal
To send a distress signal, use this trigger:
"ambulance" - Means your ambulance job tag "Distress Signal received, please help the citizen!" - Is the message that player will receive
Last updated