Business System
All info you need to have business system working in your server
Last updated
All info you need to have business system working in your server
Last updated
Complete business system with 5 different type of business;
Money Wash Lab;
Weed Lab;
Meth Lab;
Coke Lab;
Document Forgery Lab;
Contract NPCs to work for you;
Pay salaries.
Upgrade your equipment, stash and security;
Incress your production;
Provide better security against offline NPC raids;
Store more product on your stash using level systems.
Sell your products using trust system and with three different ways:
Plane (With altitude system to alert cops).
Unique and modern UI system (GTA Based);
NPC interactions;
Fantastic custom animations;
Anti AFK players;
Support to Draw3DTexts or target resources;
FiveM Escrow
Full optimized with all players sync
ESX & QBCore compatible
Players can own multiple business
And much more to explore..