Locate your Config.Houses inside main_config.lua file:
As you can see, thats all your houses created VIA CONFIG FILE.
You should leave config file to create new MLO houses and in game real estate job for normal houses and apartments.
On left side of this boxes we present the template, on right one we present the example.
["house_name"] = { -- House name, MUST BE UNIQUE OTHER WISE WILL HAVE ERRORS
houseName = "house_name", -- House name, MUST BE UNIQUE OTHER WISE WILL HAVE ERRORS
price = 25000, -- House price
maxFurnitureRange = 45, -- max range to be able to furniture
doorCoords = vector4(), -- House door coords
doorInside = Config.Tiers["mloFranklin"], -- House inside infos
houseGarage = {
enabled = true, -- House garage enabled ?
coords = vector3(), -- House garage door entrance
doorInside = Config.Tiers["modGarage"], -- House garage inside infos
storeCar = vector3(), -- House garage car storage
spawnCar = vector4(), -- House garage car spawn
stars = 5, -- House rating
pool = true, -- House have a pool?
garden = true, -- House have a garden?
camerasystem = true, -- House have a camera?
canVisit = false, -- House can be visited?
stashLevel = 1, -- What level is default level of stash?
stashName = "", -- Stash name, must be unique, if same name houses can share their stash
description = "" -- House description
houseName = "myFirstMLOHouse", -- House name, MUST BE UNIQUE OTHER WISE WILL HAVE ERRORS
price = 125000, -- House price
maxFurnitureRange = 45,
doorCoords = vector4(8.37, 539.73, 176.03, 341.19), -- House door coords
doorInside = Config.Tiers["mloFranklin"], -- House inside infos
houseGarage = {
enabled = true, -- House garage enabled ?
coords = vector3(25.02, 541.02, 176.03), -- House garage door
doorInside = Config.Tiers["modGarage"], -- House garage inside infos
storeCar = vector3(22.56, 544.11, 176.03), -- House garage car storage
spawnCar = vector4(14.44, 549.54, 176.3, 49.25), -- House garage car spawn
stars = 5, -- House rating
pool = true, -- House have a pool?
garden = true, -- House have a garden?
camerasystem = true, -- House have a camera?
canVisit = false, -- House can be visited?
stashLevel = 1, -- What level is default level of stash?
stashName = "mloTestingHouse2", -- Stash name, must be unique, if same name houses can share their stash
mlo = true, -- is it a MLO?
description = "Modern House with pool, garen, camara system and visiting options! Cheap!" -- House description
The first [""], you should write the same you will put as houseName inside the "", it needs to be UNIQUE, cant repeat it NEVER! (Check Example to understand better what we want to explain).
maxFurnitureRange is the range players will be able to put new furniture inside their house, this is great to adjust to perfection the zone, because MLOs can be big or small right?
( You can change this anytime so you can keep testing it )
doorCoords is the coords you will use to join, in this case will be the coords or main door of house, to provide infos to script work as intended.
doorInside is where you will setup all markers inside and their coords, the animations, the stash, the wardrobe, management zone and logout.
How i add a new interior infos?
This part is very important, it allows you to add new MLOs informations.
Navigate to Config.Tiers on config file, should be something like this:
As you can see, there you have ALL interiors informations of JPR Housing System, the next board, on left side will be the template, on right the example.
["MLO_NAME"] = {
doorCoords = vector4(), -- see cameras interaction zone
defaultStash = vector3(), -- default stash interaction zone
defaultWardrobe = vector3(), -- default wardrobe interaction zone
defaultLogout = vector3(), -- default logout interaction zone
managementCoords = vector3(), -- default management interaction zone
fridge = {coords = vector4(), fridgeItems = {interactions = {"beer", "soda", "champagne"}, interactionsCommands = {"e beer", "e soda", "e champagne"}}, label = "frigorifico"}, -- default fridge animations zone
previewImage = nil, -- can leave nil ONLY ON MLOs
isMLO = true, -- NEVER CHANGE THIS if you are creating a new MLO
houseGarage = {
enabled = true, -- if you want MLO to have garage system, then set TRUE if not set FALSE
coords = vector3(-815.35, 183.06, 72.43), -- House garage door entrance coords
doorInside = Config.Tiers["modGarage"], -- House garage inside infos
storeCar = vector3(-812.13, 187.36, 72.47), -- House garage car storage coords
spawnCar = vector4(-811.69, 187.62, 72.48, 117.85), -- House garage car spawn coords
By default, we have 6 garages interiors (doorInside), they are:
neonGarage, highGarage, midGarage, lowGarage, importGarage, modGarage
Example, if you want highGarage then your doorInside of garageshoud look like this:
doorInside = Config.Tiers["highGarage"],
The rest of options are pretty easy and obvioslly, they are already explained on template on grey letters.
Congratulations, your first MLO house is created, now lets do the doords
If you dont want to lock your MLO doors via keyholders with doors, ignore this part.
Creating MLO doords:
Open mlo_doors_config.lua file and locate MLOConfig.MLOHouseDoors:
As you can see, it already includes some doors from Michael default MLO.
The working of this system is similar to qb-doorlock to be easier to our customers creating new doors.
On next box, left side is template, right one is example:
For single doords:
houseName = "house_name_of_mlo", -- the name of MLO house this door is
propName = "name_of_prop", -- the name of prop you want to lock
propCoords = vector3(), -- the coords of prop you want to lock
propTextCoords = vector3(), -- can be save as above, is the emojis coords
locked = true, -- it will start locked? if yes set to true otherwise to false
distance = 4 --- distance to interact with door, 4 is recommended
For double doords:
houseName = "house_name_of_mlo", -- the name of MLO house this door is
propTextCoords = vector3(), -- is the emojis coords
locked = true, -- it will start locked? if yes set to true otherwise to false
distance = 2.0, --- distance to interact with door, 4 is recommended
doors = {
propName = 'name_of_prop', -- the name of prop you want to lock
propYam = 291.0, -- heading, not too important, sometimes can let the default
propCoords = vector3() -- the coords of prop you want to lock
propName = 'name_of_prop', -- the name of prop you want to lock
propYam = 291.0, -- heading, not too important, sometimes can let the default
propCoords = vector3() -- the coords of prop you want to lock
For single doords:
houseName = "myFirstMLOHouse", -- the name of MLO house this door is
propName = "prop_ld_garaged_01", -- the name of prop you want to lock
propCoords = vector3(-814.48, 186.28, 74.51), -- the coords of prop you want to lock
propTextCoords = vector3(-815.44, 185.44, 72.48), -- can be save as above, is the emojis coords
locked = true, -- it will start locked? if yes set to true otherwise to false
distance = 4 --- distance to interact with door, 4 is recommended
For double doords:
houseName = "myFirstMLOHouse", -- the name of MLO house this door is
propTextCoords = vector3(), -- is the emojis coords
locked = true, -- it will start locked? if yes set to true otherwise to false
distance = 2.0, --- distance to interact with door, 4 is recommended
doors = {
propName = 'v_ilev_mm_doorm_l', -- the name of prop you want to lock
propYam = 291.0, -- heading, not too important, sometimes can let the default
propCoords = vector3(-816.72, 179.1, 72.83) -- the coords of prop you want to lock
propName = 'v_ilev_mm_doorm_r', -- the name of prop you want to lock
propYam = 291.0, -- heading, not too important, sometimes can let the default
propCoords = vector3(-816.11, 177.51, 72.83) -- the coords of prop you want to lock
If you want to use doorHash, replace propName to propHash.
For propHash doors, the propYam needs to be setup ( prop heading when its closed ), this quick video shows how to get it.
Congratulations, your doords are created and linked with your new MLO house.
How they are linked?
The anwser is pretty easy, as you know when you created the MLO on Config.Houses, you gave a unique houseName to your MLO right?
Then here on door creating, you have put on houseName the same name as before, that way the MLO is linked with this doords, in this case is myFirstMLOHouse.
Create MLO House video:
Just need to get HEADING coords of your door when it is closed!