Garage System
All info you need to have garage system working in your server
Last updated
All info you need to have garage system working in your server
Last updated
Unique garage system and design;
QB Target compatible
Garages can be separated by categories (cars, bikes, airplanes and boats)
Possibility to separate cars by searching the name
Possibility to check vehicle modifications by garage
Anti-spam system
Garages for cars, bikes, planes, boats all in one system
System reacts depending on the condition of the player's vehicle (Stored, in the depot or seized by the police)
Detailed car informations
Saves the damage and condition of the vehicle and applies them when the vehicle is removed from the garage
Good config.lua file
Job/Gang garages
House garages
Emergency garages
Buyer can change:
All colors ( All HTML and CSS file are fully editable )
Trigger for the phone system can be changed and modified to your needs
All translations
Base script names ( qb-core, legacy fuel, qb-target)
Possibility to modify qb-target
Possibility to change the vehicles table in SQL
Possibility to deactivate the saving of the damage part of the vehicle
possibility to add numerous garages and impounded vehicles
possibility to choose which categories the garage or impounded vehicles accept (cars, bikes, planes and boats)
Possibility to change NPCs and their animations
Change all default mods of emergency garages
much more
On ticket via discord I can help you if you need more configuration options ( of course, depending on the option you want )
Support included
FiveM Escrow