
You will receive the script in keymaster.fivem.net profile, after this click in blue "download" button.

After download, put the script in your server files.

  1. Install all dependencies, and follow their respective installation instructions.

Dependencies Part

Download all the scripts by clicking on their respective names, put them in the server files and ensure in server.cfg


Open your inventory and add all images we provide on downloaded files.

Open qb-core / shared / items.lua, add this line:

['illegal_certificate'] = {['name'] = 'illegal_certificate', ['label'] = 'Illegal Certificate', ['weight'] = 0, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'illegal_certificate.png', ['unique'] = true, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'To finish any drug selling operation your need this certificate to proof your identity as an drug seller.'},


Execute JPR - Business System.sql file in your SQL

Last updated